As much as I sometimes wish I had more of them... dull can be better than tons of

often. And taking a random spur of the moment

Now that is my kind of exciting! Or maybe just a world where everybody doesn't have to be afraid to

who I am. It can be hard sometimes... but we gotta push through. Quitting is not the answer. Don't give up. This life is the only one you have so why not live it to the fullest?

around you. Who is there? More people than you think. They are all rooting for you to accomplish all that you can, and they will be there supporting you til the end. I have learned this very important lesson. When all I wanted to do was give up, my eyes were opened to who is there. To who truely cares! I challenge all of you who may be reading this to do the same. Take a good look around you. Who's beside you through thick and thin? I hope that you will see me as one of those people. I may have my ups and downs. My difficult times where I need all the help I can get. But I also love helping others. I am here for you, as long as you can say the same for me.

That is all for now. I hope you feel more inspired to be your best self. You're loved!