Saturday, August 20, 2011

It is only the beginning

Hello! This is my first time experiencing blogging. I figure it'll be kind of like posting on facebook except much longer with a lot more detail. As I sit here trying to think of something on my mind to talk about, I've decided that it is only the beginning and all I really need to do this time is tell a bit about myself.

Obviously my name is Amber. I come from a family of 6. Two sisters and one brother, along with my parents. But maybe you can say 7 because my dog, Busby, is just as much part of the family as I am! I live in Utah, as I have most of my life except for 2 years spent in New Mexico. I have been in Sandy for about 9 years now-the longest I've ever been in one house! I just graduated from Hillcrest High School, class of 2011! About 2 weeks ago I got a job at Inkley's. I love it!! I am currently working in the lab-printing pictures, processing film, all that fun stuff. This coming week I am getting trained up front so I can work both, wherever I'm needed. Hence my title being a "floater". I don't mind it though because when I applied I couldn't decide between the two anyways! I love photography. Along with art, reading, and being outdoors!

Honestly I didn't expect I'd be able to write as much as I have already. Maybe it is a little pointless because only friends will be looking at this and they probably know all this about me! Oh well, what's done is done right?

I guess that is it for now. All that's left from here is the hope that I will be able to get on here often and share my thoughts. But just be warned. If you do decide to follow along and read about my life as it happens, you just might laugh, or you just might cry. You might get angry, or you just might get thoroughly confused. I wouldn't be surprised and you shouldn't be either. Because I just warned you.

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